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Thanks for visiting the E-M-F Homepage!!! I hope you have found it informative.

I hope you have found the information contained on this site useful and interesting as well as easy to find. The main purpose of this site is to make information available to people around the world that are looking for information about the E-M-F Automobile.

Please fill out the form below and let me know what you think. If you have suggestions for the site, let me know that as well so I can make this site as useful as possible. If you have a specific question that needs and answer, then sending me an email may be a faster option. I try to respond to these postings if I can, but I make no guarantees.

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Your Name: Chuck Meinecke    
Your Location: New York
Date: 2021-05-13 06:34:21


Long time E M F Owner...Do you still have me on your roster? 1909 E M F..

Your Name: James Farris    
Your Location: Milton Georgia
Date: 2021-04-29 12:30:46


Intend to acquire a 1912 EMF 30 in May 2021. Hope I can ask questions in order to get this barn find on the road.

Your Name: Mark Strange    
Your Location: Hillsboro, MO
Date: 2021-02-14 13:15:02


I bought a 1912 Flanders 20 Roadster from Dragone Motors and am bringing it back to original. Many thanks to Daryl Kemerer and others on this site for their help with parts and advice!

Your Name: Terry Vollmer    
Your Location: St. Louis
Date: 2021-01-24 16:02:34


Thoroughly enjoyable!

Your Name: Art Sell    
Your Location: Washington State
Date: 2021-01-18 06:58:12


As a member of HCCA I have been looking at a Flanders 20 for a few years. I suspect it was taken apart in the 40s. They think it is a 09. Looking at your info makes me doubt that year. Someday I will need to dig out the transmission to see if it is a 2 speed, or a 3 speed.

Your Name: Richard William Wahrendorff    
Your Location: Ulster Park, NY
Date: 2021-01-15 16:40:44


I love your website and come here often. There is a weaalth of information here. I wish there was a forum to ask questions. anyway, I have a 1912 Flanders touring that I bought from J. Jones in Ohio. I think he said he registered it here and I have as well. I'm hoping to restore this car with the help of the members here. Right now I'm in need of a carburetor and a magneto. I don't know what to look for and need help.

Your Name: Richard William Wahrendorff    
Your Location: Ulster Park, NY
Date: 2021-01-10 04:37:12


I bought a 1912 Flanders from someone in Ohio

Your Name: Todd Hrico    
Your Location: Catonsville , md
Date: 2020-11-21 14:26:00


Joe Swann, I have been looking for you for years and finally stumbled across this site. I am so glad to have found this and hope that y’all are happy and well. Of course I need to know if you are still doing apholstery and look forward to hearing back very soon. Peace my friend

Your Name: Mark Strange    
Your Location: Hillsboro, MO
Date: 2020-11-15 07:43:26


Owner of 1911 Flanders 20 Roadster

Your Name: Bruce King    
Your Location: Arizona
Date: 2020-08-15 16:57:53


My 1912 EMF is pretty rough shape especially the rear axle assembly. I've enjoyed your Web Page as my car was totally in pieces as I bought it. If anyone would be able to share clearance specification like free play between the washer stacks in the differential to axle housing? Any help would be appreciated. I have lots of bushing and bearing info I could also share. Any help would be appreciated.

Your Name: Bruce Pearson    
Your Location: Ohio
Date: 2020-07-23 02:13:08


Looking at first Brass car ,not so mush a Ford fan.Have been going to Motormuster for 20 plus years .Think is great

Your Name: Donna Huff    
Your Location: PA
Date: 2020-06-19 07:40:24


In November 2019 newsletter you mentioned you did not have one of the Glidden Tour postcards. I have the U10 card and would like to send it to you (no charge). Please let me know where to send it to if interested.

Your Name: Terri Ellis    
Your Location: NC
Date: 2020-06-14 15:51:07


Doing Genealogy research. First woman to have a chauffeur's license in Oregon is relative and she drove and EMF in 1914. Was wonderful to visit your site and see the type of car she drove. I had never heard of EMF before and your site is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for your educational efforts!

Your Name: BRUCE BARNES    
Your Location: Sn Leandro, CA 94577
Date: 2020-05-11 07:43:48


Nice page Easy to use Lots of good information

Your Name: Ross Benedict    
Your Location: Calgary. Alberta, Canada
Date: 2020-05-10 06:51:54


I have what appears to be a carbide headlight chimney that is missing the rivetted name plate. Just here checking to see if what I have is in fact from one of your headlights.

Your Name: George Preston Dorris, III    
Your Location: St Louis
Date: 2020-02-06 17:04:03


Great Web Site

Your Name: Rich Boddy    
Your Location: Sacramento, CA
Date: 2020-01-01 18:31:26


I have 30 black & white postcards from the 1911 Ocean to Ocean Run. They are in good shape & unused. I would sell them if you are interested. In any case-neat web site. Enjoyed the photos & comments-Rich

Your Name: Will Taylor    
Your Location: Canyon, TX
Date: 2019-10-25 05:17:17


Great website but I am unable to get an email to you?

Your Name: Will Taylor    
Your Location: Canyon, TX
Date: 2019-10-24 17:38:11


Thanks for development of the website. I have owned a 1909 EMF Runabout that is a very nice older restoration. I have owned the car for many years but it has not run for at least 10 yrs. We are in the process of servicing the car and looking forward to driving it within the next 10 days.

Your Name: Joshua Dansereau    
Your Location: Brisbane, Australia
Date: 2019-10-11 18:21:00


Keep up the good work guys, love the website!

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How to contact me...

Sign My Guest Book

John M. Daly

Phone: (815) 786-4824