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I hope you have found the information contained on this site useful and interesting as well as easy to find. The main purpose of this site is to make information available to people around the world that are looking for information about the E-M-F Automobile.

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Your Name: Sean Guy    
Your Location: Greencastle Pa
Date: 2012-07-04 16:10:46


Great adventure.Love this kind of stuff. I will be checking to see your progress. I have a 1922 Dagmar And Swould love some day to do the same. Best of luck to everybody. Sean

Your Name: Bob Ladd    
Your Location: Lebanon, PA
Date: 2012-07-04 16:06:05


This is a great website. I know several EMF owners including the Swanns and will be following their adventure. I do not own an EMF but have ridden in one several times recently and hope to connect with your group in Lancaster this summer

Your Name: Slim Chasteen    
Your Location: Black Forest
Date: 2012-07-03 21:36:47


Met Joe and Betty Swann this AM and they told us about their trip. Now that is real RV-ng Slim

Your Name: Linda Haynes    
Your Location: Arizona
Date: 2012-07-02 07:58:26


Following the Swann group's progress with much interest! Sorry I missed you guys- the pictures are impressive! Linda

Your Name: Robert Scott    
Your Location: Pasadena Ca
Date: 2012-07-01 23:16:41


Brave people

Your Name: Julene    
Your Location: Casa Grande, Arizona
Date: 2012-06-30 18:11:42


Hi Betty and Joe: What a delightful evening to get to see and visit with you, Betty, and to meet you, Joe. We thoroughly enjoyed it. WE are so glad to hear that you have had a good trip since leaving Yarnell. Hoping that you are doing OK in Colorado Springs, We keep seeing all of the fire news on TV so hoping you are OK,,, Your pictures and description of your daily adverture are wonderful!! Be safe!!

Your Name: Alice and Morris Cameron    
Your Location: Ashland, VA
Date: 2012-06-30 06:32:09


We are enjoying your adventure. We did the cross country in 2009 with the Ocean to Ocean Trip in our Model T. The people you meet are the best. I also enjoyed the early mornings. I will continue to watch your progress.

Your Name: Megan    
Your Location: York
Date: 2012-06-29 11:36:36


Hi Guys!!!!! Love the Pictures. Love Love the historical tidbits. I can just imagine you talking to everybody along the way, Betty. Luv you guys, Be safe! Meg's

Your Name: Tom Huehn    
Your Location: Ontario canada
Date: 2012-06-29 10:54:39


I too like pounding the miles on my old cars. WE have done some great trips. Just my bride, me and our old car. Nothing we have done compares with the Swanns trip. These guys are my heros. Happy Motoring

Your Name: Ross Flewell--Smith    
Your Location: Australia
Date: 2012-06-29 00:08:21


Great Story, wonderful trip good luck and keep us posted. Ross

Your Name: Fran Shore    
Your Location: Pennsyvania
Date: 2012-06-28 06:46:56


Joe and betty, i have sent you an e-mail. I am the co-editor fdor the Buzzard's Breath Touring region and want to use your adventure as a newsletter feature in the August or September issue with your permisssion. Wishing you great luck and great fun. Fran Shore

Your Name: reggie nash    
Your Location: richmond, va
Date: 2012-06-28 06:04:08


I wish you the best of luck on the tour. please be carefull and safe. Take it easy on the old cars and people!!! Reggie Nash

Your Name: Steve & Brenda    
Your Location: Marietta, Ga.
Date: 2012-06-27 18:58:09


See you in Colo. Springs.ons

Your Name: Carolyn Morris    
Your Location: Virginia
Date: 2012-06-24 20:10:18


I think you two are crazy! I wish you well and will be praying for your safety. Looking forward to reading your blogs.

Your Name: Bruce & Linda Bailey    
Your Location: Stanford, Ky
Date: 2012-06-24 19:51:51


Good Luck on your Adventure! We will be keeping up with you.

Your Name: Gretchen Carreras    
Your Location: Bumpass, VA
Date: 2012-06-19 19:58:40


We are excited about following Joe and Betty Swann on their cross country adventure. They have been members of our local Model T chapter and we are very excited about their trip.

Your Name: hninmaung    
Your Location: myanmar
Date: 2012-05-01 19:40:35


I need to knoladges

Your Name: Mr Mike Waters    
Your Location: Devon, England
Date: 2012-04-15 09:04:27


Great site, good pictures and history for these wonderfull cars

Your Name: Jim Everitt    
Your Location: Cincinnati, OH
Date: 2012-04-08 21:00:37


Thank you for this site. I'm a bit of a car buff, but more so on models from the 50's forward. I could not resist reading about EMF, and was actually hoping to see a picture of the Everitt (for obvious reasons). Thanks again, and I will be visiting your site again.

Your Name: Eugene Faulds    
Your Location: Ivanhoe, MN
Date: 2012-04-04 19:55:21


I cannot believe it! I was looking for information on the EMF Auto and I find that it was part of Studebaker. My father had the first garage in Lincoln County, MN and he sold Studebakers. He also used an auto for a business logo on his stationery and I have now found out it was a 1911 Fore Door Touring that you show. A car club that I contacted said it was not a real car--but today I find that it is. Thanks Thanks Thanks. YOU MADE MY DAYs!

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How to contact me...

Sign My Guest Book

John M. Daly

Phone: (815) 786-4824