Welcome to the E-M-F Homepage Guest Book Sign-in Page

Thanks for visiting the E-M-F Homepage!!! I hope you have found it informative.

I hope you have found the information contained on this site useful and interesting as well as easy to find. The main purpose of this site is to make information available to people around the world that are looking for information about the E-M-F Automobile.

Please fill out the form below and let me know what you think. If you have suggestions for the site, let me know that as well so I can make this site as useful as possible. If you have a specific question that needs and answer, then sending me an email may be a faster option. I try to respond to these postings if I can, but I make no guarantees.

Thanks for taking the time to sign in!

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Your Name: william stokes    
Your Location: capistrano beach california
Date: 2013-01-10 23:47:06


great web site. i found apicture of my grandfather sitting i his e-m-f right hand drive i wanted to know the year of mfg. and the model. iam 77 years nold and never hread of thr emf. I sent a picture. could please help. thanks

Your Name: kevin oates    
Your Location: Melbourne,Australia
Date: 2012-12-30 17:30:04


Wonderful trip,very interesting. Thank you for taking the trouble to post it all. Knowing the trouble my own computer causes me I always worry when Im flying because of the electronics in these aircraft. Give me a model A Ford anyday. Best regards,Kevin.

Your Name: Larry Hoagland    
Your Location: Moultonboro,NH
Date: 2012-12-01 08:47:46


Great website I will be posting a wanted ad

Your Name: phil brooks    
Your Location: reidsville,n.c.27320
Date: 2012-11-09 18:13:43


grear job

Your Name: Keith Davis    
Your Location: Waterford Mi
Date: 2012-10-30 12:39:05


Hi John, I really enjoyed your site it is really Informative and interesting. I was wondering if you had any Photo's of Flanders,Metzger and Everett. I sent you an Email but wanted to sign in your guest book. Thanks,Keith

Your Name: Buck Robinson    
Your Location: Richmond, VA
Date: 2012-10-25 20:10:00


I deeply appreciate all of the time and effort that you've invested in chronicling the history of the E-M-F company. My great grandfather was Walter Flanders and for many years, we owned one of the EMF cars (which now proudly sits in the Automobile History Museum in Detroit). In fact, we lovingly referred to the car as "Walter." Thank you again for your effort in preserving his memory.

Your Name: Russell Everitt    
Your Location: Toronto, Canada
Date: 2012-10-04 10:33:48


The pictures of the fifth biennial revival E-M-F Company Outing in Lancaster, PA are great. Even though I am not an E-M-F owner (maybe someday), I really enjoy viewing and following the activities of your club. Great work John!

Your Name: Stephen J. Stoner    
Your Location: Tucson, AZ
Date: 2012-09-17 18:59:59


I like your web site and E-M-F autos. I do not own an E-M-F , but I would like to become a member of the E-M-F car club, if possible. Could you please send me information on this, if a club exists for E-M-F cars. Thank you.

Your Name: Ross Flewell--Smith    
Your Location: Queensland. AustraliaII
Date: 2012-08-07 20:20:53


It was great following the Swanns trip in their EMF. It was a great achievement for them.I am a veteran car owner and can appreciate their adventure.

Your Name: Anne Ottemann    
Your Location: California
Date: 2012-07-30 11:06:05


Great to catch up with Betty and Joe! Sounds like they had a great "rest of the trip". Glad they made it home! Thanks for having this place to read of their adventures!!

Your Name: John M Shenk    
Your Location: USA
Date: 2012-07-28 18:34:07


Great pictures!!!

Your Name: Dave Groerich    
Your Location: St. Louis Mo.
Date: 2012-07-26 20:09:05


What a fantastic trip, I am jealous

Your Name: Janet and Alfred Meyer    
Your Location: West Simsbury CT
Date: 2012-07-25 18:40:46


John, A magnificent cooperative effort. Exciting writing by Betty and artistic editing by you. Betty and Joe are good friends. Our only regret is we could not have done this trip with them.Together you've made it so real and so enticing we hope we can do it someday. Thank you to you both for a great documentary and sharing this wonderful adventure with us.

Your Name: April from Amishland    
Your Location: Lancaster, PA
Date: 2012-07-24 08:27:48


I enjoyed seeing all of you in your vintage cars!

Your Name: John Vsetecka    
Your Location: Great Bend, Kansas
Date: 2012-07-23 11:46:21


Joe and Betty stopped by my house on July 8th. We enjoyed visiting with them out in in driveway with the EMF and my 1917 Stanley Steamer. The sight attracted some of my neighbors. The next day I drove with them to McPherson, Kansas in my 1921 Model T. At McPherson, we toured the Auto Restoration Program at McPherson College. We also met another EMF owner from Wichita, Tom and Dawna Ruggles. We all had a great time at lunch. I hope to see Joe and Betty again. Maybe sometime when I go back to Hershey, PA. This website has been helpful in keep track of their progress.

Your Name: David Nigh    
Your Location: McPherson Kansas
Date: 2012-07-21 15:22:45


I happened to see your auto in the motel parking lot on Mon. July 9, 2012 about 9AM in McPherson, Kansas. Enjoyed looking at it and reading your story.

Your Name: Tim & Carol Tyner    
Your Location: Council Grove, KS
Date: 2012-07-09 18:37:24


We enjoyed meeting you at the Hays House Restaurant. We wish you safe travels and many wonderful memeories!

Your Name: Jim Johnson    
Your Location: Dodge City, KS
Date: 2012-07-08 12:41:35


Met Joe, Betty and the E-M-F 30 here in Dodge City just after lunch today (7/8/12). What a wonderful adventure they are off on. As a lover of "elderly" vehicles myself I will be living vicariously through their travel - log. Good luck and God Speed!! Jim

Your Name: Hedda Smithson    
Your Location: Fair Oaks, CA
Date: 2012-07-07 18:05:58


We met Betty Swan in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Lamar, CO this morning. It was a pleasure to talk with her and hear her stories of the car and their journey. We plan to contact them with some recommendations for stops on the way east. We have traveled from CA to IL on US 60 and returned from IL and MO on US 50. These are usually pretty good roads with very few trucks. What a cool way to travel.

Your Name: Fred & Louise Abel    
Your Location: Olney Springs, CO
Date: 2012-07-07 11:26:16


Kudos to the two of you! We enjoyed seeing you in LaJunta, CO on July 6th at the Village Inn Restaurant. What a beautiful car, and thanks for sharing it. We love your website and the great story - something like this is a dream for us - and you have made it very exciting! Thanks, and God's speed in your adventure of a lifetime.

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How to contact me...

Sign My Guest Book

John M. Daly

Phone: (815) 786-4824