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If you have a picture of an EMF you would like included here, please send it to me
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mail to send me a photograph, and wish to have the photo returned, please also
send a Self Addressed Stamped envelope along with the photo. Include important data
such as Year, body style, owners name and any other data you would like
included such as serial number etc. THANKS!!!
1912 Five Passenger Touring Cars
Click on the small image to see the full size image.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Touring car from factory literature.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Touring car from page 4 of the
1912 Preliminary Catalogue.
Click the link to go to the Preliminary Catalogue for 1912.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Touring car from page 12 of the
1912 Preliminary Catalogue.
Click the link to go to the Preliminary Catalogue for 1912.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This picture was sent to me by Elaine Lawson
Laguna Beach, CA. It is of her families car circa 1912.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is another picture sent to me by Elaine Lawson
Laguna Beach, CA. It is of her families car circa 1912. She says of the picture
"The house in the background is a historic
old home in Kingfisher, Oklahoma that was built by my great grandfather,
Richard Pappe Sr. It is still standing and is occupied by a cousin.
Richard Pappe Sr. was one of the town fathers in Kingfisher, having been
an original homesteader in the opening of Oklahoma Territory in 1889"
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is a picture submitted by robb stewart. robb says of the photo
these are my great uncle harry stewart and his 1912 emf touring. he grew up in hebron il, on the adjoining homestead that my grandfather and father grew up on, and moved to minnesota about 1890. once he got this emf, he would visit hebron, il every year. hearing this, i was quite astonished. i figured that it was about 350 miles on country roads. when my dad asked his older sisters about this, they concurred, and added that, after visiting the stewart homestead, he would continue to his vacation home, in florida! in 1920, he bought a buick sedan to replace the touring car, and continued this annual trek.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is another photo submitted by Robb Stewart. This clearly shows the front passenger corner of the car. Note the mud on the side of the car.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is another photo submitted by Robb Stewart. Though a little out of focus, you can see the front of the car.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This picture was posted on the AACA Discussion board hoping to find the identity of the car. I believe it to be a 1912 E-M-F 5 Passenger Touring. Anyone disagree and if so, why?
I received permission from the family for it to appear here. The photo is courtesy of Walter M. Sanders III of Athens, GA. The following information was submitted
by the Sanders House Center of Bluefield, Virginia. They said of the photo:
"At the dawn of the 20th century, the Walter McDonald Sanders family owned a
3,000 acre cattle farm in Tazewell County, Virginia, located on the edge of
Bluefield, VA [then called Graham, VA]. The farm was the region's largest
employer, and at the center piece of the farm was an beautiful 8,000 sq ft
Victorian mansion, completed in 1896. Today, the farm has been engulfed by
subdivisions and shopping centers, but three years ago the Graham Historical
Society was successful in acquiring the home for use as a museum, community
center, and visitor center. The home stands just a quarter mile from the
Virginia-West Virginia line, and just off highway 460. Present day members
of the prominent Sanders family all live away from this area, but have
generously given the Historical Society much of the original furniture,
along with many family artifacts, including a treasure trove of early family
photos. The 1912 E-M-F was most likely the family's first car. At first,
the family had a chauffeur, shown at the wheel in this photo, but very
quickly all the younger members of the family learned to drive themselves.
The photo, including other members of the Sanders family, was taken just at
the foot of the driveway to their home."
"On the back of the back of the photo is written: Standing: Allene Sanders,
Malcom Worrell [who later married Allene]. Seated: Vicie Greever Sanders
[mother of Allene and Sallie], Sallie Sanders, and 'driver'. Taken in front
of Sanders home about 1912."
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This picture was posted on the
Model T Ford Club International Websites Discussion board hoping to find the identity of the car. I believe it to be a 1912 E-M-F 5 Passenger Touring. Why? Fore doors were available in 1911 and 1912 and the tire they are changing is on a demountable rim. Looks like a Stanweld. That would be 1912. Thanks to the owner for allowing it to appear here.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This picture was sent to me by Marlene Brusko. She says of the picture:
"Fred Bouchard (my grandfather) driving Father Cyrill Poissant (pastor of St.
George Church, in St. George, IL (rural church with Bourbonnais, IL
post office) in a 1912 EMF Tourister.
This was taken in front of the priest house. You can see the east side of
the church through the trees. Fred, Neldia and their children were living in
the house next door to the priest house from 1909."
Thanks to Marlene for allowing it to be presented here.
Click on the image to see the full size photo.
Stan Seleen sent me this picture of his ancestors 1912 E-M-F Touring. He says of the picture:
Jeddy Seleen picks up his children and neighbor children from school at Wilson Creek, Washington in his E-M-F. His Sister Emma sits with the girls in the back seat.
Thanks to Stan for allowing it to appear here.
Posted 03/09/2006
Click on the image to see the full size photo.
John Hester sent me this picture of his ancestors 1912 E-M-F Touring. He says of the picture:
the driver (my great grandfather) was Herman Frederick. The photo was most likely taken somewhere in Middlesex County, New Jersey. Judging by the condition of the photo, and the fact that my great grandfather was fairly young at the time (he was born in 1870), it must have been taken around 1912. He was probably showing off his new car!
Thanks to John for allowing it to appear here.
Posted 01/03/2009
Click on the image to see the full size photo.
Stan Seleen sent me this picture of his ancestors 1912 E-M-F Touring. He says of the picture:
Jeddy and Minnie Seleen with son Elmer on a visit to a relative in the Spokane, Washington area in or about 1912. Jeddy and Minnie lived on their farm near Wilson Creek, Wa.
Thanks to Stan for allowing it to appear here.
Posted 03/09/2006
Click on the picture to see the full size.
Pictures of Floyd Jaehnert's car from Minneapolis MN. I took some pictures during a visit there to buy some fenders. I also have some taken at the AACA meet where Floyd took Junior First! They are marked AACA:
EMF almost done,
Engine #1,
Engine #2,
Engine #3,
Engine #4,
Front End,
Spring Bumper,
Mag and H2O Pump,
Rear Axel,
Steering Wheel,
E&J Tail light,
Valve Stem,
Tools Bag - AACA,
Side view in rain - AACA
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This car was offered for sale by Clay Green at the time I received this photo. Notice how this car does not have the demountable wheels common to most 1912s. Could the 1912s have come without demountables? The Preliminary catalogue for 1912 seems to show a Demi Tonneau without demountables too. Hmmm.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is a picture of Wayne Simonis 1912 E-M-F. Wayne is also making a lot of brass repro pieces. Check out the
C.A.R.S Web Page
for E-M-F radiator caps, door handles hood clips and much more. Also running board luggage racks, license plate frames etc., all in brass.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This is a picture of William Spencer's 1912 5-Passenger touring. Note the accessory self starter in place of the crank, and the accessory bumpers. Like me, William found this car on eBay.
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1912 Roadsters
Click on the small image to see the full size image.
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1912 Demi-Tonneaus
Click on the small image to see the full size image.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau photo from factory literature.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau taken from page 6 of the
1912 Preliminary Catalogue.
Click the link to go to the Preliminary Catalogue for 1912.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
Artist rendition of a 1912 Demi Tonneau from a period postcard bought off of EBAY.
It even had the stamp on the back, ready for mailing!
Click on the picture to see the full size.
I received this picture very early on in my quest for 1912 Demi Pictures. I had thought it was lost until I found it in an old email I had saved away. Notice that this is a very late 1912 Demi Tonneau, with the straight side body. The late parts manuals show this type of Demi Tonneau body, but this is the only picture I have seen. Thanks to Gil Fitzhugh for the great photo.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
This photo appeared in the tour book for our 2004 E-M-F Company outing. Though not real clear, it looks like a 1912 Demi to me.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau owned by John and Amy Daly, awaiting restoration.
Follow the restoration of this car on the RESTORATION page. You can
to go to the RESTORATION PAGE.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau owned by John S. Carroll at the time the picture was taken.
This picture was found in an article on the EMF in an issue of
"Automobile Quarterly",
Volume 17, number 4 (1979) on page 359.
It could be that this car is now in Austria or Germany. I found a car that looks
very similar on the
"Automobilmuseum Stainz Diashow" website.
Both cars have the cowl lights mounted wrong, have hand Klaxon horns on
the drivers side, same incorrect tail light. Could they be the same car?
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau owned by Jim Crawford (Passed away Summer 2000)
at the time the picture was taken.
This car is now owned by Bill
and Judy Day of Millington IL. (That's Right, they are my neighbors).
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau Once owned by Bob Abarta. The current owner is Steve Dillon.
Click on the picture to see the full size.
1912 Demi Tonneau owned by Ken Campbell. Photo taken on the 2004 E-M-F Factory Tour.
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1912 Miscellaneous
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Click on the picture to see the full size.
This chassis drawing is from the
Information Manual for 1912.
Select the link to go to the manuals page.
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How to contact me...
John M. Daly
P.O. Box 244
Millington, IL 60537
Thanks for visiting the E-M-F web site. Please come back anytime.
Copyright © 2008 John M. Daly - All rights reserved.