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This page details some of the past Events and Activities of the E-M-F Automobile Registry ? If you are an E-M-F "30", Flanders "20" or Everitt Owner, and you are not part of the E-M-F Registry, please use the link provided to sign up. There is no cost and you could be enjoying some of these activities along with other owners. This page will list past activities and give links to pages with additional details as needed. If you find mistakes or incorrect information, please let me know so that changes can be made.
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes The subject of the Hyphens was also discussed and the price associated with it. (NOTE: The cost of the last issue was covered by me and the cost of this issue is being covered by donations received after the last issue). Topics suggested at the meeting for future issues include technical tips, parts/restoration supply sources and cars and parts for sale. The topic of an E-M-F Reunion tour in 2009 was also discussed and can be expected. Planning will start around 2006. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes By Floyd Jaehnert We arrived at the grounds mid-morning on Tuesday, Oct. 7th and by early afternoon had set up our swap spaces. The rest of Tuesday was spent shopping the flea market areas, which were about 65%, full by late Tuesday. By Wednesday noon the flea market/swap meet was in full operation. There was some small re-adjustment to the swap fields this year but nothing major as in the past few years. The car corral was relocated adjacent to the new hockey arena, which was much closer than last years site. A 3 day car auction took place at the arena and there were also swap spaces near by. Thursday found the weather great for our E.M.F. Registry meeting that was held at the Horseless Carriage Club of America tent. We had an excellent turnout of E.M.F. Flanders and Everitt owners as 17 people signed the registration sheet with 8 of those from Pennsylvania. Eight others were from various states east of the Mississippi, with Peter McIntyre and family our only international attendees. The first subject on the agenda was offer by Daryl and Kathy Kemerer to host an E.M.F. and related vehicle tour in July of 2004 in western Pennsylvania. A showing of hands indicated that 5 or 6 of those present would definitely attend with several more interested but not ready to commit at that time. Daryl and Kathy will send a mailing early in 2004 to get firm commitments. The next order of business was a suggestion by the chair to hold an E.M.F. meet in 2006 (perhaps in South Bend) and a 100th Anniversary Meet in Detroit in 2008 or 2009. We should start looking ahead to the Anniversary date and planning now for this event. The E.M.F. factory is still standing and may be available for a get-together and/or picture taking session. There are several great automotive sights in the immediate area such as the 1904 Ford Piquette plant, the Fisher Body corporate headquarters building, and the G.M. building. Needless to say, there are many other automotive sites within a few miles of the E.M.F. Piquette Ave. Plant. We would need volunteers from the South Bend and Detroit area's to help in planning and hosting these events. A few of the attendee's mentioned E.M.F. parts that they have made or were proposing to make if interest warranted. Ludwig Gocek indicated he would make a run of headlights for 1909 thru 1911 E.M.F’s provided a minimum number were ordered. Art Morra displayed the clutch springs he has available and Lee Turner indicated he still has muffler end casting for sale. The rest of the morning was spent visiting and interacting among the group. The only E.M.F I saw during the week was Gil Fitshugh Jr's 1909 which was on display (non-judging) on Saturday. A Flanders's or 2 were on the swap fields for sale as were a rather small amount of E.M.F. parts. All-in-all it was a great Hershey. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes Barkeyville, PA July, 2004 This was the first car related activity coordinated by the E-M-F Registry for E-M-F, Flanders and Everitt Owners. 8 E-M-F's, 2 Flanders and 4 "other" make vehicles were present representing 15 registry members. A great time was had by all. CLICK HERE for more details and photos from the event. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes By Gordon Langeneger The meeting was called to order by Floyd Jaehnert at 10:30 a.m. in the HCCA tent at the Hershey Flea Market. Floyd called on Daryl Kemerer to give a report on the EMF Company Outing which took place in Barkeyville, PA. Daryl reported on the success of the tour and went on to explain some of the highlights of the get-together. Daryl also reported on the work that he and Kathy have accomplished for the next EMF Company Outing, which will take place in South Bend, Indiana in the summer of 2006. He then encouraged everyone to plan on attending the meet. Discussion followed about the centennial celebration of EMF, which will take place in Detroit in 2008. It was mentioned that Dr. Bill Spencer, grandson of Walter Flanders, has offered to help with this event as he lives in the area.
The following officers were elected:
Floyd mentioned that there would be two EMFs on the show field on Saturday: Lee Turner’s newly restored 1910 touring, and Gil Fitzhugh’s 1909 touring. A motion was presented and passed that dues in the amount of five dollars will be imposed to defray that cost of the newsletter. The new dues schedule will be put in the next newsletter. Floyd asked for a show of hands of new members, and they were asked to introduce themselves. Floyd also enquired if anyone is currently7 producing EMF parts, and this information was presented to the group. The meeting was closed with the announcement that the next EMF Registry meeting would be held in Chickasha, Oklahoma, in March of 2005. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes By Daryl Kemerer Floyd Jaehnert and I conducted the meeting at Chickasha (not at Wichita, since all EMF guys were at Chickasha as well) on Thursday afternoon March 17, 2005. The meeting lasted for more than an hour with 16 EMF owners attending. Attendance included 4 members from Texas, 3 from PA, 2 from CO, and 1 each from NE, CA, OR, IA, KS, WI, and OH. I briefly discussed the 2004 EMF Company Outing in Barkeyville, and the 2006 tour in South Bend, and the 2008 anniversary tour in Detroit. I polled those at the meeting, and 5 -6 indicated interest in the South Bend tour, and 9-10 indicated interest in the Detroit tour in 2008. A large portion of the meeting included some technical discussion on EMF restoration in a round table sharing of experiences. Fun was had by all. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes By John M. Daly Daryl Kemerer chaired the meeting. Started off with everyone introducing themselves. There were 22 families represented with 2 of those being new to the E-M-F Registry. Daryl gave report on Tour for 2006 and 2008. Daryl recognized John Daly and made plea for hyphen donations. Discussion was held about including Flanders and Everitt owners in tours as well as later model Studebakers. It was overwhelming agreement to include, with the understanding that we did not want tours to become overwhelmingly non-EMF cars. Walt Grove presented a magazine from July of 1908 that had an article about the formation of the E-M-F Corporation. The article showed preliminary photos of the first E-M-F’s with some differences from the actual production 1909 E-M-F’s. Gil Fitzhugh had his 1909 E-M-F at the HCCA tent and it was great to have an E-M-F present. The rest of the time was spent with owners visiting and getting to know each other. It was great to have so many people come together. E-M-F Owners Meeting Minutes By Daryl Kemerer The E-M-F Registry meeting was held in the Community room on the show grounds. There were 14 members present including Steve Gordon from the HCCA. We discussed the upcoming tour in 2006, the centennial in 2008, & people introduced themselves and told about their cars. We discussed magneto problems and the possibility of putting together EMF restoration and maintenance tips. Steve Gordon said he really appreciated being informed about the E-M-F Registry. Several people said they are considering joining the tour this summer in South Bend. 2006 Studebaker Upper Mississippi Valley Zone Meet Black Hawk Chapter Studebaker Driver’s Club, Inc. This meet is going to be held in Lisle, Illinois and centers out of the Hilton Hotel right by the Lucent Technologies buildings. There are tours planned to Fermi National Acceleration Laboratory, the Naper Settlement and the Volo Automobile museum. There is also judging of the cars on Saturday. If you have an E-M-F 30 or a Flanders 20, I know they would love to have you participate and bring your car. I plan to go see the cars on Saturday morning, so look for me in my E-M-F shirt. For more information about the meet, check out the following website: http://www.studebakerclubs.com/upmvzm/ Webmasters Note: I went up to this for a few minutes on the Friday night. I wish I could have spent more time there, but due to baseball for my son and a trip to Iowa that weekend, I could not stay long. I did see a lot of nice cars and talked to several very nice people. It looked like a great event. South Bend, IN July 10th - 14th, 2006 This was the second car related activity coordinated by the E-M-F Registry for E-M-F, Flanders and Everitt Owners. 8 E-M-F's, 2 Flanders and 3 "other" make vehicles were present representing 13 registry members. A great time was had by all. CLICK HERE for more details and photos from the event. The E-M-F Owners Meeting at Hershey AACA Fall Meet was held Thursday October 5th, 2006 @ 10:30 AM Hershey Time The meeting was held at the Horseless Carriage Club of America tent (RWO 30). Approximately 20 members were present with 2 new members! Discussions were held on the 2008 100th anneversary celebration in Detroit. Copies of "The Hyphens" were handed out to the new members. People spent time talking and getting to know each other. Next meeting is in Chickasha! Detroit Michigan area July 13th - 19th, 2008 This was the third car related activity coordinated by the E-M-F Registry for E-M-F, Flanders and Everitt Owners. 8 E-M-F's, 3 Flanders, 2 Everitts and 2 "other" make vehicles were present. It was a phenomenal event. CLICK HERE for more details and photos from the event. The E-M-F Owners Meeting at Chickasha Swap Meet was held Thursday March 19th, 2009 @ 1:00 PM Chickasha Time The meeting was held In a conference room in the south building Approximately 15 members were present with 2 new members! John Daly held the meeting. Tom Ruggles reported on the 2010 in Wichita, KS. John Daly also spoke about the Tiffany Electric car and how it fits into the E-M-F Story and showed the Tiffany Electric step plates he picked up at the meet. E-M-F Centennial commemoratives were on hand and several were sold. Next meeting is at Hershey 3009 Lancaster, PA July 22th - 27th, 2012 This was the fifth car related activity coordinated by the E-M-F Registry for E-M-F, Flanders and Everitt Owners. 15 E-M-F's, 4 Flanders and 2 "other" make vehicles were present representing 21 registry members from 9 different states. A great time was had by all. CLICK HERE for more details and photos from the event.